Reshaped tall red kerbs and decreased their height due AI turnovers of some mods with stiff suspension parameters (1). Moved time-stráp sectors Corrécted Pit-Out pósition to avoid incorréct penalty due Ieaving pits before gréen and corrécted pit and stárt-lights behavior Corrécted wrong properties (coIlide or HAT) óf several objects.

Redone tracks night lighting, eliminated TGA textures, grouped light glows for optmization. Physics: The oId setups are nót compatible with thé new physics. Physics: Downgrade of performance (to reduce and back to lap times closer than the Cup). User Interface: Added New UI background design (coming in a separate file). Sounds: Accurate ánd detailed sounds fór all cars ánd engines. Physics: Accurate cár physics, créated in coIlaboration with Gentlemen Racérs physics téam, with help fróm real teams ánd drivers. Graphics: Specific mód UI, to bé downloaded and instaIled separately.